As promised... Kelantanese Silk.. bestnye la hai.. :)
zaman skolah n kat Uni dulu.. x pakai sutera sbb leceh nak jaga.. suka.. but malas nak gosok.. pricey lak tu :P now da start collect Sutera becos da keje.. huhu
suke juge becos ade Cosway nyer Delicate Wash :P tau tak yg purple bottle tu..?? sila dapatkan di nearest Cosway branch ok.. wah sempat promot.. best if gune tu.. senang iron.. den kalo agak2 kaya n malas (hahahha) anta je laundry.. :)
yg pasti Sutera masih tetap unggul dalam hati..
Some people might say yg Terengganu lg high quality.. but dear.. those people are absolutely wrong.. quality sama je either Kelantan or Terengganu..
Lagi susah cara nak lukis batiknye, lagi mahal la jadinya.. price jugak depended on the artistic touch or corak lukisan handmade tu, also with the softness of benang sutera...
So that.. hope you are happy with the Serikandi's varieties okay.. Of course la sumer pun awesome.. :)
Yang ni khas for Kebaya or Kebarung.. Corak direka ntuk ditonjol pada lidah baju and kaki kain... cantik yet classy :)
light green
RM230 RM210 (postage free)
soft purple
RM230 RM210 (postage free) |
sweet pink
RM230 RM210 (postage free) |
soft blue
RM230 RM210 (postage free) |
p/s: Booking is allowed with RM80. Maximum monthly payment (2 months). Delivery after full payment.